5 Key Parts to a Great Testimonial Story

Every Business needs a handful of great testimonial videos to let potential customers know you do great work.

Here are the five key parts you need to include and the same formula we use at Story Directive to create great testimonials for our clients.

1- The Hook - 1 or 2 lines that will spark interest in the viewer in the 5-10 sec

2- The Introduction - to give context and authenticity

3- The Challenge - Why they needed help

4- The Solution - How your business helped them and what that process was like

5- The Transformation - How their problem was solved and their situation now. 

The key takeaway is you want to show a transformation from where they were to where they are now by using your services. 

Brandon Flint

I like to run, surf, and hang out with my family and friends


The Power of Story-Driven Content for Business Marketing